Registering with the Practice

Non-urgent advice: Registration

We provide primary care medical services to the people of Tranent, Macmerry, Elphinstone and the surrounding areas. Our Practice Area is bounded on the north side by the A1 and to the south, east and west by the EH33 postcode boundary.

It is is important to note that you can only permanently register with a GP practice if you’re staying in the area for more than 3 months. If you move out of the practice area, you will need to register with a practice in your new area as soon as you move.

How to register:

  • fill out an online registration form
  • paper forms can be collected from the lobby area at the Health Centre. 
  • download the forms (below)
  • we may require evidence of identity to provide certain services (refer to our registration policy regarding ID)
  • the practice has a non-discrimination policy for accepting new patients. There are a number of reasons why you may not be able to register with your chosen GP, for example you may live too far away. If this is the case simply choose another GP in your local area.

If you stay outwith our Practice area

If you do not stay within our catchment area other GP practices can be found by accessing the button below.

Registered with a Doctor outside the UK

Please note that if you were previously registered with a Doctor outside the UK then the Practice will not have access to your medical notes. All patients who register from abroad should contact their previous Doctor to obtain copies of their notes.

Register online

Step 1: Complete online registration form

Our online registration form will collect your details, a brief outline of your medical history and record your preferences. This information may be added to your record and will allow us to begin to provide you with medical services.

Step 2: Complete our medical questionnaire

Download and complete our medical questionnaire. Once you have completed this, upload it to us using the “Upload the completed form(s)” button below.

Step 3: Upload scans of photo identity and proof of address

Please deliver to the practice copies of two forms of your identity.
One form of identity must contain a photo of yourself and the other must provide evidence of your current address. You may upload your forms online.

Download the Form(s)

If you prefer you can download then complete the registration form from NHS Inform. Once you have completed the form you can upload it to the practice by clicking on the Upload button below. You also need to download and complete our medical questionnaire. If you are unable to do this please contact the surgery for advice on how to register.

Once you have completed the registration form and medical questionnaire please upload them to the practice, and then upload your id as outlined in Step 2 above. 

If you fall ill whilst staying temporarily within our practice area, or if you are not registered with a doctor but need to see one, you can receive emergency treatment from our Practice for up to 14 days. After 14 days, you will need to register as a temporary or permanent patient.

If you are staying temporarily within our practice area (e.g. on holiday or on business) and need to see a doctor you can register as a temporary resident. You can be registered as a temporary resident for up to three months. This allows you to be on our Practice list and still remain a patient of your permanent GP. After three months as a temporary resident you would have to permanently register with the Practice. To register as a temporary resident simply contact our Reception team.

Please note that practices do not have to accept you as a temporary resident, although they do have an obligation to offer emergency treatment. You cannot register as a temporary resident at a Practice in a town or area where you are already registered.